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Refillable delivery service bikes eco-brands to London consumers

The new online platform connects conscious consumers with curated eco-brands

Refillable delivery service bikes eco-brands to London consumers

Newly launched, London-based company, charrli delivers shampoos, conditioners, soap, skincare and cleaning products in refillable glass bottles. charrli’s mission is to make refills easy and convenient and as a greener alternative to our current recycling system.

Customers place their order online and all products can be placed on a subscription or as a one-off purchase. Everything is delivered via e-bikes in reusable tote bags and on your delivery day charrli will pick up the empty bottles to be cleaned and refilled to keep the packaging in circulation.

Nationwide each person consumes around 117 plastic bottles per year, that’s 7.7 billion annually according to Recycling bins and they say ‘55% of the plastic waste ends up in landfills or the ocean’. The packaging industry is by far the biggest user of primary plastics, using approximately 40% of plastic produced each year. Not surprisingly packaging is also the most significant contributor to waste pollution.

charrli customers could save up to 40kg of household plastic waste every year from going to landfill. This not only reduces harm to ocean life, but it also reduces the effects on humans, such as disrupting hormones, infertility, obesity, as well as hormone-related cancers. Their goal is to accelerate the shift to a robust reuse system. They are tackling the personal care and home care market first and believe implementing reusable bottles across multiple industries is the way forward.

Co-Founder Monica Grundy says: “The concept of charrli was born to break the mould of single-use. We didn’t understand why we spend so much of our resources and energy to create something we throw away after one-use and billions more to ineffectively process our piles of waste. We wanted to find a solution within an eco-system that so happens to already exist. Turns out using materials like glass was the done thing pre-1960s and is still used in parts of the world, like Germany. It’s quite simple to reuse packaging such as glass and much better for the environment on pretty much all metrics. It can be hygienically cleaned, is durable, used upwards of 50x and is 100% recyclable.”

“Learning that plastic was not only in our oceans, our water and our food, there were also traces of it in the air … I had to do something about it ASAP!” said Co-Founder Chloe Cronyn.

charrli is delivering to a few boroughs around London and will be expanding its catchment zone over the next year in hopes to strengthen and empower our communities to go zero waste.

Find out more at charrli

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